RC Transformer (Triggers RC Drive_Bys )

If you're looking for a gift for your child on Christmas day, you can not miss this car robot. Called the Transformation Robot Remote Controlled Car, he did 360-degree spin, carry out hairpin turns and, on command, turned into a gun-packing robots rotary shoot arrows from destruction.

Once your in position, turn it up a RC robot car hood and front tires 10-inches from the ground at the touch of a button , revealed that the car cannon. Fired five suction cup dart quickly in succession, your nemeses will not know what hit them.

With three different channels that allow up to three cars to engage in an all-out battle, Transforming Remote Controlled Robot Car including eight stock suction cup darts, requires 6 x AA and 1 x 9-volt cell, and is available now from Hammacher Schlemmer for $ 69 , 95.